Saturday, December 10, 2011

postheadericon First Impressions Count

Imagine for a moment that you are meeting a new coworker for the first time. Even before the obligatory shaking of hands, you have formed an opinion. The impression is based on admittedly superficial items: clothing, posture, grooming, and speech. If your first impression is positive, you will go out of your way to discover common interests. If your impression is negative, it will take a lot of work on your coworker's part to overcome the obstacle you have introduced to the budding relationship.

Think about looking at a new car. Some will jump out at you, but you won't even give others a second glance. Why? First impressions, again based on superficialities. The car might be the fastest, quietest, most reliable vehicle on the road, but if you don't like the way it looks, you'll probably spend your money elsewhere. In every facet of life, first impressions count. Unfortunately, when it comes to selling a house, the seller often forgets that maxim. It's time to recognize that research can help sell your home - and research strongly says that first impressions count.

The best way to introduce your house to the public is NOT in an open house. Although your home might show beautifully, there will also be flaws that the buyer will see. You need to introduce your house in the manner that all successful salespeople do: you have to sell the sizzle, not the steak.

First Impressions Count

Too often, a potential buyer will see the flaws in your home. All houses have flaws. All locations have drawbacks. All paint jobs are not quite the way we would like them to be. The problem with open houses is that it allows the buyers to see the "bad" along with the good. Although no one would suggest that you disguise or hide flaws, there is no reason to make them more prominent than they are. This is where psychology meets salesmanship.

When you sit behind the wheel of a new car and smell the new car smell, you start to imagine what it would be like to drive that car to work, to the beach, to your in-laws. You can almost feel the wind blowing your hair. You can envision other drivers stealing a glance to see you in such a sharp car. All good car salesman know that it is important for a potential buyer to feel an attachment to the car prior to trying to close the sale. A real estate transaction is no different.

Your best shot at selling your house quickly is to have potential buyers see only what you want them to see. Obviously, this excludes the open house. It also excludes what most salesmen prefer: an online gallery of home photos. You need to have photos, but they have to be carefully cropped to show just what you want to show. You also need a well-written and performed narration that guides the buyer through the photos. And, of course, you need the appropriate background music that will create an ambiance.

If you find an organization that can provide you with this type of tool, you will be well on your way to selling your home. Remember, the first impressions count. You can be in charge of those first impressions if you plan your marketing strategies appropriately.

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