Thursday, September 29, 2011

postheadericon Magnetic Sponsoring - More Cash, More Leads, More Reps

Magnetic Sponsoring is the brainchild of Mike Dillard. He went from waiting tables to becoming a millionaire in his MLM business by using the philosophy found in his program. In many ways, Mike has closed the gap between what's critical in becoming successful whether it's in traditional business or an MLM business. Many of us start our network marketing journey with our eyes open wide and our tongues hanging out in anticipation of collecting all the dollars made possible in the wonderful world of free enterprise.

The expectations set for new network marketers aren't in line with reality. Why would network marketing be easier than traditional business. I remember being mesmerized by the circles being drawn on the white board and how lucky I was to have found the promised land - NOT!

Magnetic Sponsoring is all about setting the proper expectations. Mike makes it extremely clear that the only people that will make full time income in their MLM business are leaders. And you can't be a leader by doing what everyone else does. Duplication has long been the mantra in our industry.

Magnetic Sponsoring - More Cash, More Leads, More Reps

You need to talk to people. The more you talk, the more you make. You quickly learn about the '3 foot rule'. In the era of the internet, it was exciting to 'discover' online leads. But, you still end up feeling like you're chasing everyone. The revelation that Mike had was one that anyone in sales dreams about. What if - instead of assaulting everyone you know - people would pursue you?

Your MLM Business and Attraction Marketing

Who are people naturally attracted to? And how could you get people to become attracted to you? In Mike's view, it is all about becoming a leader. Become the person that people are looking for. Become a leader. In his book, Magnetic Sponsoring, Mike goes into detail on the characteristics of a successful leader.

A key aspect of attraction marketing is increasing your value to others. Mike states that leaders are valuable people, and they are constantly looking for ways to become more valuable to people. In the network marketing industry, who you are is much more important than the company that you are in. People are looking for someone to show them the way to the promised land. Can you do that for them?

There are no magic bullets. Becoming the leader is hard work. You can accelerate the process by being a student. Absorb yourself in books and find a successful mentor. Your objective is to increase your value to others and become an expert in attraction marketing - learning how to attract others to you and your business.

It's not about sales - it's about marketing

When you think about sales, what comes to mind? I think of the timeshare sales people or the used car sales person. Just the idea of being sold something makes you want to back away. Have you ever received a pizza coupon in the mail? Of course you have. The coupon is part of their marketing system. Do you feel like you are being sold when you get your pizza? Everyone likes to buy, but nobody likes to be sold.

How can you use this in your MLM business? Mike sees our job as twofold. First, to teach our business partners leadership and marketing skills. And second, to market a system to our business partners that sells the company products.

Funded Proposals

By introducing Magnetic Sponsoring to your prospective business partners, you accomplish several things. First, it shows them that you are taking a leadership role in helping them establish their business properly. You are providing value. Second, you are helping to address two critical needs for potential business partners - cash flow and people to talk to.

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